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JTT Blue (Chibra)’s Guide’s in the local news all over Japan, throughout the years and decades
JTT’s guides are the best, and we commit to have the lowest price and satisfaction with your tour 100% guaranteed. Our ground team has been living and guiding on the 4 islands and minor islets for more than 30 (even 60!) years, and are experts on Japan’s culture, history, and architecture tours, adventure tours, overland itineraries, security and business regulations, ecological surveys and research staging, and holidays for families in Japan. We will show you the best of the island, from the best angles and for the best values. JTT Japan Travel and Tours (“Blue Team Japan DMC for Chibra group”) is proud to be an experienced part of the Blue SAR (Search & Rescue) Network, and the Blue Team Japan.
JTT’s high volume and daily operations and DMC services has made the team featured as a top supplier and supervisor for Lonely Planet’s and Tripadvisor’s own branded tours as their guides for years, as well as for diplomats and embassy staff, for a former Prime Minister of Japan, and for passengers of the Peaceboat. JTT draws some of its best staff from the private security sectors and academia as well as tourism and hotels and science and logistics.
We are the only operator in the world to be able to offer a lot of these areas in Japan with staff and local residents directly and very cheap, and to offer particularly unique special knowledge bases and unique abilities in the tourism industry, in-depth services for living and traveling in the island short or long term. At JTT we run all of our tours with the option of budget, midrange, or luxury priced accommodation, to suit the needs and budgets of all travelers, and we supply to the world as the end local vendor. We can even run recovery and rescue operations in Japan on land and by sea. Whether it’s choosing a tour, starting and securing a business objective, staging a research post or survey, exporting key ingredients and products, or even finding an internship and accommodation for a gap year or college, or a volunteer gig to work with. We love this place and we’re here to share it. Ask!!
Come down and take a look at the adventures awaiting you in modern tourism’s magical masterpiece, Japan.
Local Operator Membership (Attractive to Japan Agent) in Professional Organizations
General Incorporated Association Japan Inbound Association
General Incorporated Association Enthusiastic Regional Revitalization Venture Coalition
General Incorporated Association Japan Regional Advertising Agencies Association (JLAA) Public Interest
Incorporated Foundation Tokyo Tourism Foundation Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau Setouchi Tourism Promotion Organization (Setouchi DMO Members) Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)